Article: Best Techniques To Match The Hatch
Orvis’ Tom Rosenbauer has a great article up today describing the best places to start matching the hatch
Here’s a classic bit of advice from the article:
“During hatches of many mayflies and caddisflies, the trout take the emerging flies throughout the hatch and bother little with the adult flies resting on the water’s surface. You may catch a few on dry flies, especially if your fly isn’t floating too well, but you would have been more successful using an emerger or wet-fly pattern. In most hatches, however, there will come a time when there will be enough flies on the surface to tempt the trout to take the adult insects—and your high-floating dry flies. Rises will be deliberate, rhythmic, and you’ll see bubbles.”
Check out the whole thing here, well worth the read.
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