Scenes from Chili
My friend and newest member of the New York State Guides fraternity is in Chili with his father. Dad is from there and is an avid fly fisherman as his son David and they spend each Christmas there visiting ans fishing the fabled waters of the Patagonia region. Here are some of the beauties they have been catching. Each year they make a pilgrimage to this Mecca of trout fishing and these are examples of the fish that I am forced to view here in the frozen tundra of NY. Don’t worry I am suffering nicely fishing for walleyes up to 12# and muskies up to 35# here in the Susquehanna River.
It is currently the late summer period down there and the fishing is a little slow.
As with all my posts click on any picture to enlarge it and really get a look at them. I am a big fan of brown trout and that last one is a beauty. David is now one of my exclusive guides for my fishing place. He was raised in the Pulaski area of NY and the magnificent salmon fishing that the region is world renowned for. He knows how to handle the big brawling rivers our region of the Adirondacks is host too.
As you can see he knows how to get the job done and is a great asset to the little trout fisherman’s paradise I am creating in the northern Adirondacks. Give us a shout if you need a guide in New York State.
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