No Ice!!! I love the boat!!!
As much as I love ice fishing I would much rather be out in the boat and what a year it is here in the northeast. I have ice fished one day this year and never put the boat away and I am loving it. Last year the river froze in late November and never thawed till April. I am here at my winter time command bunker here in the mid state of NY near Binghamton on the Susquehanna River. The walleye fishing in this river system is awesome and the region around here is a major spawning destination for many fish. Our DEC has wisely installed many new boat launches in recent year and has made this great fishery so much more accessible. I have enjoyed this river for many years and some of my best inventions were hatched and tested here.
I enjoy being able to row around down here for the exercise even on very high water such as this.
HUGE fish can be had and limit catches of nice walleyes and smallmouths are the norm. If you are looking for a new spot to try for walleyes then the this should be on your list.
The final weeks of the season, which closes here in mid March, can be especially productive with many spawning females moving up. When the ice is breaking up and the river is high is one of my favorite big fish times. How would you like to live on the island? Someone does and the whole thing is an engineering feat to keep it from washing away. Let alone having your own tramway to get out there.
Here is an example of a fair day on the river.
These are all males in the 17-20 inch range and all were caught on a specialized jig I manufacture. I can,t wait to get my little company fully launched and bring to you some of the cutting edge technologies I have invented and perfected. I think your going to like them!!!!
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