Pictures of some of those opening day trout
My friend just sent me some pics and I wanted to show you how solid these fish are after a year in the streams. These fish came from the Owego Creek which is managed as a put and take stream. The DEC told me that they had wrote this creek off as being unable to sustain trout populations from year to year. HA, HA, HA keep up the good work. I will say this however and that is that the strain of two year old fish they are stocking are awesome fighters and after another year in the stream they turn into slobs. They appear to be off of a Finger Lakes strain and some of them take on a body shape that looks like a Crappie. For a stocked fish I think they are great and my kids have had real trouble pulling them in. I just got the opening day report from the Adirondacks and the fly fishermen struck out yesterday but Rich said that the water conditions are perfect for this time of year. I have no report yet from the minnow fishermen that are up there also but I am sure they did better.
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