Relief for the Adirondacks
At last some rain and cooling temps are starting to break the heat wave and dangerous conditions that have been enveloping the Adirondacks and country in general. After a heavy rain this 22inch Leviathan moved out from his spring cooled lair and posed for a brief photo session.
Rich up from Texas found the weather invigorating and this trout most satisfying. I was sweating like Obama at a Klan rally and he was cool LOL. The weather now will start coming back to reality and fall fishing up here can be nothing short of amazing as the big browns move up from their summer spots to start staging for the November spawn. They also become even more colorful than they already are with the males becoming exceedingly vibrant. These hook jawed males are the realization of what fills a fly fisherman’s dreams. This one inhaled one of Rich Garfields ( signature patterns, The Sirloin. He has this fly available on his site and highly recommend having this and his other patterns in your arsenal when visiting our region. Well it was nice to have something positive to report in what has been a scary hot summer. River temps reached numbers I have never seen here and I had shutdown the fishing here till now.
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