A memorable Memorial Day fly fishing in the Adirondacks
CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE IT. Wow what a difference a year makes. Last year this time I was just bringing the first fishermen of the season in due to the incredibly long and cold winter with water temps in the 40-50 range. This year we are already seeing temps approaching 70. This has driven the insects into a frenzy and the hatches were crazy. Swarms of Blue Wing Olives, Caddis and even Salmon Flies were erupting with great regularity.
On Friday I has two fishermen, John and Tom in from Massachusetts whom had come in to check out the club aspect of what I am creating here. Under the careful tutelage of my lead guide, David Versendy, they were able to bring some trout to net and get a lesson in nymphing. They were on the stream as water temps were climbing from 58 to 71 degrees and had good action until it got past 65.
Which slowed things down til the evening after they had left unfortunately. They did have some really nice fish on but landing them proved a little harder.
They did get some in and I will be posting a you-tube video of them in action.
Filming you on these fishing trips is a huge part of our service here and we do our best to capture you as you play with our fish.
You have the potential of catching the trout of a lifetime on every cast and there is nothing like having it burned into the memory of film to show your friends later. Thus for just a few hours on the stream these boys did pretty well but you really need several days here to get the true measure of how good it is here. David had his father, Bob, along whom has tutored David as a youth in the art of fly fishing. They are both expert fly fishermen who fish Patagonia each year for two weeks and having grown up on the Salmon River at Pulaski so they are no slouches in the ways of trout. We had some nice rains up here early in the week and they had stopped at a small stream on the way up which was at just the right height. The results were amazing with numerous fish in the 16-18 range being hooked and landed. This stream is about 6 feet wide and dad could not believe the caliber of fish that it contained. The bear knows! Now with John and Tom gone they got serious about the trout in our home river and the action was incredible. Now I am not much of a fly fisherman but I am a really good trout fishermen so I was curious if they could catch them on the flies in that I have had few expert fly fishermen here. I tagged along on Saturday with the video gear and captured them as they smoked them on flies. Numerous fish in the 16-19 inch range were caught and several bigger ones were lost. That video will also be posted on my you tube channel shortly( adirondackwayne ) and you can see just how good this place can be. All told in the course of two and a half days they had over a hundred trout on with the majority of the landed ones being in the 16-18 inch range.
I had told Bob about the incredible biomass that the river contained and when he started flipping rocks and every one looked like a barnacle with all the bugs he said that not even in Patagonia had he seen so much insect life.
To summarize their trip they hooked over a hundred trout landing about a third of them and the average size was 16-18 inches. Five fish were lost in the over 20 inch category with the collection of flies shown here having broken hooks.
The boys were using a stone fly attractor and most fish were caught on a hares ear or pheasant tail dropper.
The dog found all these activities very boring with so much time being spent taking pictures and decided my net made a good place to rest her head.
Okay that is it for this weeks activities and if you are looking for some good trout fishing then we have it.
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