August in the Adirondacks
CLICK ON ANY PICTURE TO ENLARGE IT. Mid August now and thank God the brutal heat wave is broken and much needed rain has been steady. Nights are going to be nippy this week and the trout fishing should really start to pickup. Up here you never know what you might get weather wise and you had better be ready for it. Right now you can feel the change in the light and the buzz of the woods takes on a different sound. Each day the migratory birds seen a to thin out a little more. Catch the right cool rainy day and the trout fishing can get ugly as trout that had remained deep and hidden all summer start to put the feedbag on for the coming winter. They sense it as well and know what is coming and what to do to prepare for it. Deer season is right around the corner and now that NY has moved up the opener for bow to Oct. 1st it seems like its not far off. Needless to say the lazy days are gone and the program is starting to pick up speed.
Bob caught this beauty last August on his initial outing here and what a welcome to the river!
Got the fight on video and the fish was quickly released. Note the anvil like head because here he is again in June of this year when my buddy Mark got him right in the same spot only now he was an inch bigger.
That anvil shaped head is what allowed me to know that is was him again. It is oh so satisfying to know that the catch and release is working. Bob also got this 22 inch beauty that same day.
Oh yeah and he also got this 16 incher.
As you can see even in mid August , quality trout fishing is available under favorable water heights. Folks there is some really good fishing all over up here but you better bring your A-game because this is wild trout fishing. Okay got to go. I have three of my kids taking their hunter safety courses in the morning and its going be great. I am already looking at bigger freezers. ha ha ha.
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