Herds of salmon on the move
So many are running right now that David is talking in terms of herds not pods. The run seems exceptionally large this year and a lot of kings with some coho.
Reports I am getting are of 100 hookup days and some actually landed. I laugh when guys tell me how they caught thirty or forty in a day You land 5 of these puppies in a day and you will think that you went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Its like hooking a pickup truck when you get one on. They are great fun however and if you want to freak your kids out then take them fishing for these brutes. It won’t be long before the browns come in behind them to feed on the eggs and they can be huge.
If you have never fished for these then you must put it on your bucket list.
Local tackle shops have all you will need equipment needs but David has been getting them on floss.
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