Adirondack Update 6/1
Now is when the links I provide on my recourse page can be invaluable. The weather had been dry for over a week and the streams have been dropping. There have however been rogue thunderstorms in the region and stream levels can be quite different 12 miles away. That is why using the high tech tools I have linked into the page, you can check the stream levels and the weather near the location you intend to fish. This will aid you in not wasting time and gas. I will always be adding links, as fast as I can find them, that I think will aid you in your outings.
You can’t bring enough flies when you come to our region because the numerous rocks, of many size and shapes, seem to gobble them up. Millions of years ago when the glaciers retreated they dropped their stones and it is amazing how the different the composition and sizes can be in rivers mere miles apart. Most of the flies we incorporate in our outings are nymphs in collaboration with sink tip fly lines. Hares Ears, Prince Nymphs, Pheasant Tails and Streamers should constitute a good portion of your box and make sure they have good strong hooks because the fish up here aren’t no punks.
I also think a 6weight rod is the minimum for really driving it into the jaw of one of these 20 inch wild browns that infest the region. Rain is in the forecast for the whole region and catch the right river on the rise and coloring up here in the first week of June; well things can get ugly in a hurry. DO NOT put it off any longer get up here now!!!
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